Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Traditional and Modern Methods in ELT

Publicația: Language and Literature – European Landmarks of Identity, 15, p. 404
Editura:Universitatea din Pitești
Rezumat:The teaching process in its complexity is based on a series of methods and techniques meant to bring about improvement, evolution and recognition of language richness. All these methods make up a conglomerate whose elements oscillate between traditional and modern. Depending on the classroom needs and level of cognition, the methods are more or less valuable, but they are sure to correspond to the society requirements during a certain historical era. The present work is a didactic incursion aiming at the most widely used teaching methodologies. Both their advantages and shortcomings have been highlighted with a view to better guide teachers into selecting the most effective ones for the teaching learning process.
Cuvinte-cheie:methods, language richness, didactic incursion
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 2

13Ioan OpreaComunicare culturală și comunicare lingvistică în spațiul europeanInstitutul European2008
45David CrystalEnglish as a Global LanguageCambridge University Press1997; 2003; 2012

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