Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Principiile şi normele ilustrării prin citate – importanţa şi necesitatea citatelor în Dicţionarul limbii române al Academiei

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, IX (1), p. 33-43
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:The Romanian Language Dictionary edited by the Romanian Academy, is an essential work of the Romanian culture, that was founded by some of the most important Romanian linguists, A. Philippide and later on Sextil Puscariu. The two linguists were chosen by the Romanian Academy to set up this work they figured out based on the principles of exhaustivity and use of words in relation to their diversity, circulation and frequency. One can easily see this is a unique work in the field of Romanian lexicology, through the complexity of its studies using a large number of quotations that reveal the explanatory, historic and normative features of the Dictionary. Studying the history of this piece of work, one can easily notice that the numeric restriction of the quotations is not based on an objective criterion. The complex process of drawing quotations, their analysis, and the construction of the studies were the lexicographer’s work, the only person to have the most comprehensive knowledge of the word. It was also the lexicographer’s concern to establish the number of the quotations used to describe the word. With the new edition of the Dictionary (DLR), after the three teams of specialists had been formed in Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi, the character and principles of the dictionary could be better represented and followed. Through the contribution of some outstanding linguists, academics and lexicographers, some new and more efficient research methods have been introduced, along with such instruments as norms, abbreviations, chronologies, both for the popular and cult literature, as well as other necessary instructions during the editing process (Indicele de norme and Siglarul). This work – that has been improved through generations, as both Philippide and Puscariu had thought – was conceived as a Thesaurus. Being at its 2nd edition in 2009, we have to be careful to maintain the high standards that were preserved even during the harsh 50 years of communism. This work has to maintain both its form and content in the long tradition established a century ago. At present the Bibliography has to be rapidly completed, as, without it, one cannot make a comprehensive index, nor the realization of a complex catalogue through the revaluation of the Dictionary archives (including the index and the manuscripts made by Philippide and his team). Moreover, the indexing has to be done by means of the classical method (in electronic format, though, as it is by far more efficient) and by means of other modern techniques (such as scanning or using the Internet). Nonetheless, no matter how performing they may be, they cannot replace the lexicographer’s proficiency.
Cuvinte-cheie:principle of exhaustivity, principle of use, explanatory character, historic character, normative character, research methods
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

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22Carmen-Gabriela PamfilAlexandru PhilippideLitera Internațional2008

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