0 | Alexandra Bîja | Non-Native Interpretation and (Re)Production of SL/FL Sounds. Case Study: Korean and Romanian | Studia UBB, LXV (1), 117-134 | 2020 | html |
0 | Ioana Ruxandra Toșu | Decodifying Japanese Onomatopoeia: a Study Case of Laughter in the Comic Book Kamisama Hajimemashita | Studia UBB, LXV (1), 57-71 | 2020 | html |
1 | Chiara De Angelis, Oreste Floquet | Deux groupes de collégiens (Abidjan et Toulouse) face à deux questions sur la transitivité et l’intransitivité en français: recherches sur les connaissances implicites et explicites des adolescents | Studia UBB, LXIV (4), 77-92 | 2019 | html |
1 | Floriana Popescu | Paronyms and other confusables and the ESP translation practice | AOU, XXX (1), 220-232 | 2019 | pdf html |
1 | Abhinan Wongkittiporn, Nirada Chitrakara | Control constructions in British and American English | Bul. UTBv, 11 (2), 19 | 2018 | pdf |
0 | Ioana Carmen Păștinaru | Text typologies applied to academic texts on university webpages | JRLS, 14, 564-575 | 2018 | pdf |
1 | Carmen Mîrzea-Vasile | Corpusurile de limba română și importanța lor în realizarea de materiale didactice pentru limba română ca limbă străină | RST, I, 74-95 | 2017 | pdf html |
1 | Ina Sîtnic | On Numeric Contextualization in Developing Analytical Efforts and Listening Skills in Undergraduate Students in Classes of Consecutive Interpreting | ANADISS, 23, 127 | 2017 | pdf |
0 | Armanda Ramona Stroia | Clişeul lingvistic: profilul unui concept transdisciplinar | AUS, 26 (1), 193-205 | 2016 | pdf html |
1 | Jeong O. Park, Ioan Milică | Proverbs as Artistic Miniatures: A Stylistic Approach | RRL, LXI (4), 379-403 | 2016 | pdf html |
0 | Anca Trișcă Ionescu | False friends encountered in the naval architecture language | GIDNI, 2, 414-418 | 2015 | pdf html |
0 | Christian Mair | - Corpusurile paralele. O modalitate de cercetare în timp real a schimbării lingvistice în curs de realizare
- Parallel corpora. A real-time approach to the study of language change in progress
| Diacronia, 1, A6 | 2015 | pdf.ro pdf.en |
2 | Ioan Milică | Recursul la metaforă în opera ştiinţifică a lui Sextil Pușcariu | CSP, I, 109 | 2015 | pdf |
0 | Laris Bulai | Study on the utility of contrastive analysis in the context of authentic texts corpus development | JRLS, 6, 288-295 | 2015 | pdf html |
1 | Andrei A. Avram | Name Truncation in English and Romanian | RRL, LIX (1), 3-21 | 2014 | pdf html |
0 | Csaba Attila Both | Noun Cases of Hungarian Language in Romanian | Acta Sap., 6 (3), 295-315 | 2014 | pdf |
0 | Csaba Attila Both | Nominal cases of Hungarian language in Romanian | CCI, 3, 712-722 | 2014 | pdf html |
1 | Dorin Chira | Low German Elements in the English Lexicon | Studia UBB, LIX (2), 5 | 2014 | |
3 | Ioan Milică | Imaginarul creștin în denumirile populare româneşti de plante (III) | LRM, XXIV (5), 124 | 2014 | pdf |
2 | Ioan Milică | Imaginarul creştin în denumirile populare româneşti de plante (I) | LRM, XXIV (1), 68 | 2014 | pdf |
0 | Saleh Ramadan | A semantic coherence analysis of a short story | GIDNI, 1, 216-222 | 2014 | pdf html |
4 | Ioan Milică | Noțiuni de stilistică | Vasiliana ’98 | 2014 | |
1 | Abdul-Hussein K. Reishaan | The Use of Tenses in the Iraqi Advanced EFL Learners’ Writings: An Error Analysis | Bul. UTBv, 6 (1), 99 | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Constantin Manea | Remarks on Intensifiers and Intensification in English and Romanian | SGC, 20, 108-121 | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Constantin Manea | Remarks on Intensification and Comparison in Romanian and English | ELI, 13, 43 | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Gnandi Nabine | La prononciation des consonnes anglaises chez les apprenants francophones: le cas des élèves de Troisième | ANADISS, 15, 140 | 2013 | pdf |
3 | Ioan Milică | Christian Imagery in Romanian Folk Plant Names | TDR, V, 313-334 | 2013 | pdf html |
1 | Wiaam Abdul-Wahab Taha Al-Bayati | Errors Made by Iraqi EFL Undergraduates in the Use of Prepositions | Bul. UTBv, 6 (1), 41 | 2013 | pdf html |
5 | Ioan Milică | Lumi discursive Studii de lingvistică aplicată | Editura Junimea | 2013 | html |
1 | Attasith Boonsawasd | Bouyei word formation | SL, 2, 45-58 | 2012 | pdf html |
0 | Constantin Manea | Remarks on the Passive Voice in English and Romanian | SGC, 18, 54-73 | 2012 | pdf html |
1 | Constantin Manea | Dimensions of Figurative Expression in English Phraseology | SCOL, V (1-2), 152 | 2012 | pdf html |
2 | Ingmar Söhrman | Les valeurs possessives et localisatrices du génitif roumain et des prépositions de, de la et din – et de la juxtaposition dans une perspective romane | DR, s.n., XVII (1), 26 | 2012 | pdf html |
5 | Rodica Zafiu | „Particula” -şi: între intensificare şi indefinire | Direcții, I, 277 | 2012 | pdf |
2 | Rouhollah Sadeghpour | To Translate Idioms: Posing Difficulties and Challenges for Translators | DR, s.n., XVII (2), 265-273 | 2012 | pdf html |
1 | Constantin Manea | Further Aspects of Gender Marking in English and Romanian | SGC, 16, 53-67 | 2011 | pdf html |
9 | Dumitru Irimia | Curs de lingvistică generală Ediția a III-a | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” | 2011 | html |
0 | Andrei A. Avram | Japanese and English name truncations | BWPL, XII (2) | 2010 | pdf html |
0 | Constantin Manea | Contrastive Remarks on Aspect in English and Romanian | SGC, 14, 91-98 | 2010 | pdf |
0 | Ioana Costa | Inflexibilia: Notes on Word Order | ELI, 6, 47 | 2010 | pdf html |
0 | Mariana Neagu | ‘Please do not crack skull...!’ A glimpse at (g)localized English | BWPL, X (2) | 2008 | pdf html |
2 | Constantin Manea, Maria-Camelia Manea | „Voga” afluxului lexical de origine anglo-americană: adaptare vs. laxism | Rom. major. | 2007 | pdf html |
1 | Anca Irinel Teleoacă | Studiu lexico-semantic al limbajului electronic | AUI, LI, 407-416 | 2005 | pdf |