“Diacronia” bibliometric database (BDD)

A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics


Citations to this publication: 43

0Alexandra BîjaNon-Native Interpretation and (Re)Production of SL/FL Sounds. Case Study: Korean and RomanianStudia UBB, LXV (1), 117-1342020html
0Ioana Ruxandra ToșuDecodifying Japanese Onomatopoeia: a Study Case of Laughter in the Comic Book Kamisama HajimemashitaStudia UBB, LXV (1), 57-712020html
1Chiara De Angelis, Oreste FloquetDeux groupes de collégiens (Abidjan et Toulouse) face à deux questions sur la transitivité et l’intransitivité en français: recherches sur les connaissances implicites et explicites des adolescentsStudia UBB, LXIV (4), 77-922019html
1Floriana PopescuParonyms and other confusables and the ESP translation practiceAOU, XXX (1), 220-2322019pdf
1Abhinan Wongkittiporn, Nirada ChitrakaraControl constructions in British and American EnglishBul. UTBv, 11 (2), 192018pdf
0Ioana Carmen PăștinaruText typologies applied to academic texts on university webpagesJRLS, 14, 564-5752018pdf
1Carmen Mîrzea-VasileCorpusurile de limba română și importanța lor în realizarea de materiale didactice pentru limba română ca limbă străinăRST, I, 74-952017pdf
1Ina SîtnicOn Numeric Contextualization in Developing Analytical Efforts and Listening Skills in Undergraduate Students in Classes of Consecutive InterpretingANADISS, 23, 1272017pdf
0Armanda Ramona StroiaClişeul lingvistic: profilul unui concept transdisciplinarAUS, 26 (1), 193-2052016pdf
1Jeong O. Park, Ioan MilicăProverbs as Artistic Miniatures: A Stylistic ApproachRRL, LXI (4), 379-4032016pdf
0Anca Trișcă IonescuFalse friends encountered in the naval architecture languageGIDNI, 2, 414-4182015pdf
0Christian Mair
  • Corpusurile paralele. O modalitate de cercetare în timp real a schimbării lingvistice în curs de realizare
  • Parallel corpora. A real-time approach to the study of language change in progress
Diacronia, 1, A62015pdf.ro
2Ioan MilicăRecursul la metaforă în opera ştiinţifică a lui Sextil PușcariuCSP, I, 1092015pdf
0Laris BulaiStudy on the utility of contrastive analysis in the context of authentic texts corpus developmentJRLS, 6, 288-2952015pdf
1Andrei A. AvramName Truncation in English and RomanianRRL, LIX (1), 3-212014pdf
0Csaba Attila BothNoun Cases of Hungarian Language in RomanianActa Sap., 6 (3), 295-3152014pdf
0Csaba Attila BothNominal cases of Hungarian language in RomanianCCI, 3, 712-7222014pdf
1Dorin ChiraLow German Elements in the English LexiconStudia UBB, LIX (2), 52014
3Ioan MilicăImaginarul creștin în denumirile populare româneşti de plante (III)LRM, XXIV (5), 1242014pdf
2Ioan MilicăImaginarul creştin în denumirile populare româneşti de plante (I)LRM, XXIV (1), 682014pdf
0Saleh RamadanA semantic coherence analysis of a short storyGIDNI, 1, 216-2222014pdf
4Ioan MilicăNoțiuni de stilisticăVasiliana ’982014
1Abdul-Hussein K. ReishaanThe Use of Tenses in the Iraqi Advanced EFL Learners’ Writings: An Error AnalysisBul. UTBv, 6 (1), 992013pdf
0Constantin ManeaRemarks on Intensifiers and Intensification in English and RomanianSGC, 20, 108-1212013pdf
0Constantin ManeaRemarks on Intensification and Comparison in Romanian and EnglishELI, 13, 432013pdf
0Gnandi NabineLa prononciation des consonnes anglaises chez les apprenants francophones: le cas des élèves de TroisièmeANADISS, 15, 1402013pdf
3Ioan MilicăChristian Imagery in Romanian Folk Plant NamesTDR, V, 313-3342013pdf
1Wiaam Abdul-Wahab Taha Al-BayatiErrors Made by Iraqi EFL Undergraduates in the Use of PrepositionsBul. UTBv, 6 (1), 412013pdf
5Ioan MilicăLumi discursive
Studii de lingvistică aplicată
Editura Junimea2013html
1Attasith BoonsawasdBouyei word formationSL, 2, 45-582012pdf
0Constantin ManeaRemarks on the Passive Voice in English and RomanianSGC, 18, 54-732012pdf
1Constantin ManeaDimensions of Figurative Expression in English PhraseologySCOL, V (1-2), 1522012pdf
2Ingmar SöhrmanLes valeurs possessives et localisatrices du génitif roumain et des prépositions de, de la et din – et de la juxtaposition dans une perspective romaneDR, s.n., XVII (1), 262012pdf
5Rodica Zafiu„Particula” -şi: între intensificare şi indefinireDirecții, I, 2772012pdf
2Rouhollah SadeghpourTo Translate Idioms: Posing Difficulties and Challenges for TranslatorsDR, s.n., XVII (2), 265-2732012pdf
1Constantin ManeaFurther Aspects of Gender Marking in English and RomanianSGC, 16, 53-672011pdf
9Dumitru IrimiaCurs de lingvistică generală
Ediția a III-a
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2011html
0Andrei A. AvramJapanese and English name truncationsBWPL, XII (2)2010pdf
0Constantin ManeaContrastive Remarks on Aspect in English and RomanianSGC, 14, 91-982010pdf
0Ioana CostaInflexibilia: Notes on Word OrderELI, 6, 472010pdf
0Mariana Neagu‘Please do not crack skull...!’ A glimpse at (g)localized EnglishBWPL, X (2)2008pdf
2Constantin Manea, Maria-Camelia Manea„Voga” afluxului lexical de origine anglo-americană: adaptare vs. laxismRom. major.2007pdf
1Anca Irinel TeleoacăStudiu lexico-semantic al limbajului electronicAUI, LI, 407-4162005pdf

References in this publication: 0

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