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Observații pe marginea conceptelor sintactice de procaz și profuncție în sintaxa limbii române

Publication: Dacoromania. Serie nouă, XVIII (2), p. 120-131
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The present paper deals with the description of two grammatical concepts from the contemporary linguistics: pro-syntactic function and pro-case. Analogically to the morphological level where the concept of pro-form has been imposed on a large scale, naming a word having grammatical function, but assuming the meaning of an antecedent word or phrase for which it substitutes in terms of anaphora / cataphora, (pronoun, proadjective, proadverb, prophrase etc.), some grammarians have enlarged this terminology to the syntactic level, with the concepts of pro-function and pro-case. The first concept names that class of substitution which are able to substitute within certain limits, different syntactic functions / positions (pro-subject, pro-predicate, pro-apposition), while the second is defined as that grammatical category which, within some specific semantic, grammatical and pragmatic conditions, names, within the groups of words, restrictions imposed by the group centers to the terms they are related with, therefore functionally equivalent to the cases they substitute (pro-Nominative, pro-Dative, pro-Vocative etc.).
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 14

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