Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Verum focus and polar questions

Publicația: Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, XIV (2)
Editura:Universitatea din București
Rezumat:We argue that some word order phenomena in Romanian and Sardinian are the result of a checking operation in the left periphery involving verum focus (i.e. focus on the polarity component of the sentence). In particular, this operation accounts for some word order patterns found in polar questions. In Romanian, polarity fronting is realized as head-movement of (V+)T to a higher peripheral head which bears a Focusprobe. This licenses VS orders for predications in which VS is not allowed as a neutral order (i-level predicates, iteratives, generics). In Sardinian, an entire phrase headed by the lexical predicate (verbal nonfinite form or non-verbal predicate) is fronted before the auxiliary. We argue that this order is obtained by two movement operations, head-raising of Aux to Foc and movement of the predicate phrase to SpecFoc. We also present the semantics of polarity focus, distinguishing several types of focus (informational, emphatic, contrastive).
Cuvinte-cheie:verum focus, polar questions, focalization, Romanian, Sardinian

Citări la această publicație: 5

Referințe în această publicație: 2

11Ana-Maria BarbuComplexul verbalSCL, L (1), 391999
16Alexandra CornilescuThe Double Subject Construction in Romanian. Notes on the Syntax of the SubjectRRL, XLII (3-4), 1011997

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