Maria Angeles Ruiz-Moneva

Maria Angeles Ruiz-Moneva holds a PhD in English Philology and has been a University lecturer since 1994. She secured a position as an Associate Professor in 2009. Her main research interests concern English diachronic and synchronic linguistics, English for Academic, Research and Specific Purposes. She has taught a number of subjects in the University degrees of English Philology, Law,  Teacher Training, Agricultural Engineering, Computer and Electrical Engineering, or Business Administration and Management. She has authored the following books: From Rojas' "La Celestina" to Rastell's "Interlude": Problems in the Translation of Irony (Michigan, UMI, 2001), A relevance approach to irony in "La Celestina" and its earliest English versions (Michigan, Bell and Howell, 2004), "A Modest Proposal" in the Context of Swift's "Irish Tracts": A Relevance-Theoretic Study (Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010). She has also co-edited the following volumes: Applied Linguistics Perspectives: Language learning and specialized discourse (with Celia Floren and Carlos Inchaurralde; Zaragoza, Anubar, 2004), Metaphor, Blending and their Application to Semantic Analysis (with Ana Maria Hornero Corisco and Maria Jose Luzon Marco; Zaragoza, Anubar, 2006), and New Trends in Translation and Cultural Identity (with Micaela Muñoz Calvo and Carmina Buesa Gómez; Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008). She has also published extensively (over 30 research articles) in a number of monographic issues devoted to relevsnce theory, and in many Spanish national and also international journals. She has participated in many Seminars and Conferences on English Linguistics, Philology and Pragmatics. She has also taken several Post-graduate and official Master programs in Translation, Legal Translation, Methodology for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, or English Phonetics and Phonology. She has also participated in several competitive research projects. 

Texte publicate în „Diacronia”

ArticolDiacronia 10, 7 noiembrie, 2019, A144
Ironie, umor și cultură în How to Be a Brit de George Mikes: perspective teoretice ale relevanței

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