Christian Mair
Christian Mair was Assistant and, subsequently, Associate Professor in the English Department of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, before being appointed to a Chair in English Linguistics at the University of Freiburg in Germany in 1990. He has been involved in the compilation of several linguistic corpora (among them F-LOB and Frown, updates of the classic LOB and Brown corpora designed to make possible real-time studies of change in progress, and the Jamaican component of the International Corpus of English). His research over the past two decades has focussed on the corpus-based description of modern English grammar and regional variation and ongoing change in standard Englishes world-wide and resulted in the publication of several monographs (among them, with CUP, Infinitival clauses in English: a study of syntax in discourse, 1990, and Twentieth-century English: history, variation, and standardization, 2006) and more than 60 contributions to scholarly journals and edited works. He has held guest professorships at the Universities of Massachusetts at Amherst, Santiago de Compostela and Zurich and, from 2006 to 2012, was a member of the "Wissenschaftsrat," an advisory body to the German Federal Government and state governments.
Texte publicate în „Diacronia”
ArticolDiacronia 1, 13 ianuarie, 2015, A6
Corpusurile paralele. O modalitate de cercetare în timp real a schimbării lingvistice în curs de realizare