Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Implementarea intenţiei de comunicare prin apelul la interjecţie

Publicația: Înspre şi dinspre Cluj : contribuţii lingvistice : omagiu profesorului G. G. Neamţu la 70 de ani, p. 435-443
Editori:Ionuț Pomian, Nicolae Mocanu
Rezumat:[The implementation of the intention to communicate with the help of interjections]
The fragment under consideration represents a compelling example of the creator’s ability to concentrate graphic means and techniques and combinations of linguistic units in a small typographical space in order to suggest real speech and stimulate the reader to create the motion picture of a cultural dialogue despite the fact that the act of artistic communication generates a monologue of the main character (lawyer Landvay).
The director (author) inserts elements of suggestion in the text (interjections immanently indicating different variants of grandiloquence, in accordance with the character’s moods). Some auxiliary graphic signs suggest the inflections of the human voice in order to infer an amiable or, conversely, an acid irony, thus seeking to convince the audience of Zaharia Herdelea’s guilt and of the demagogic content of the articles published in Romanian newspapers, which exposed the abuses of the authorities and the iniquities to which Romanian ethnics had been subjected during the election campaign. The veracity of the behaviour of the characters captivates the interest of the reader, causing him to closely follow the argumentation of lawyer Landvay, in his effort to convince the audience in the parlour of Herdelea’s house of teacher Zaharia Herdelea’s guilt, despite the disagreement with the content of the accusation.
  • intenţie de comunicare, interjecţie, Liviu Rebreanu
  • intention to communicate, interjection, Liviu Rebreanu
Limba: română

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