Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Observații asupra lexicului primului tratat românesc de balneologie (1821)

Publicația: Cercetări lingvistice. Omagiu doamnei profesoare Adriana Stoichițoiu Ichim, p. 276-282
Editori:Dragoș Vlad Topală
Editura:Editura Sitech
Rezumat:[Remarks on the vocabulary of the first Romanian balneology treatise (1821)]
This study aims at investigating the vocabulary of the first balneology text written in Romanian, which holds a special place in the history of Romanian medicine, greatly contributing to the enrichment of its terminology. The author describes the two parts of the lexicon: the neological one and the old, folk one. The neological lexicon is rich, with most of the terms correctly adapted to the phonetic and morphologic system of Romanian. The old, folk lexicon is very interesting, especially due to word combinations which represent authentic terminological collocations. The synonymic series are numerous and they prove the attempts of the author to find the most adequate terms in rendering the new notions. Most of the explanatory structures are placed at the bottom of the page, as footnotes, being, in fact, definitions of the new scientific terms.
Cuvinte-cheie:balneology, explanatory structures, lexicon, synonymic series, terminology
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 1

107N. A. UrsuFormarea terminologiei ştiinţifice româneştiEditura Științifică1962

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