Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Polisemia termenilor juridici în dinamica raportului dintre vocabularul juridic și vocabularul general

Publicația: Cercetări lingvistice. Omagiu doamnei profesoare Adriana Stoichițoiu Ichim, p. 13-20
Editori:Dragoș Vlad Topală
Editura:Editura Sitech
Rezumat:[Polysemy of legal terms in the dynamics of the relationship between legal vocabulary and general vocabulary]
As the object of study of several knowledge areas that have highlighted the link between language and law, legal language appears as a professional, technical, but also traditional language, being generally analyzed from three broad perspectives: linguistic, legal and interdisciplinary. A careful examination of legal language involves the comprehension of the relationship between terminology or legal vocabulary and general vocabulary. In this context, the article aims to present different classifications of legal terms (with examples from Romanian and English) from the perspective of the relationship between common language and specialized language, as well as an analysis of the polysemy of legal terms, with its two forms: internal polysemy in which a legal term may have two or more distinct meanings in the field of law, and external polysemy, which refers to the fact that most legal terms may have at least one legal meaning and one that belongs to general vocabulary.
Cuvinte-cheie:legal language, legal vocabulary, general vocabulary, internal polysemy, external polysemy
Limba: română

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