Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Onomastica românească sub influenţa modei lingvistice europene

Publicația: Distorsionări în comunicarea lingvistică, literară și etnofolclorică românească și contextul european, Secțiunea Lingvistică, p. 393-400
Editori:Luminița Botoșineanu, Elena Dănilă, Cecilia Holban, Ofelia Ichim
Editura:Editura Alfa
Rezumat:[Romanian Onomastics under the European Linguistic Mode]
Starting from the idea that mode is created and influenced by the all conditions of people’s life, this paper talks about the most recent mode in the Romanian onomastics. Being a complex domain, we focused only on the elements of urban names, especially in the branches such as: anthroponomy, zoonimy and toponimy. These branches are also partial analyzed, studying particularly the aspects that were changing in the last time.
After a direct investigation, our conclusion is that in anthroponomy the most important tendency is to substitute the traditional names with some imported ones, many children being baptized with 2, 3, 4 or even 5 names; in zoonimy the main tendency is the name’s transfer from anthroponomy. Besides mode, toponimy is the most constant branch, in this domain the changes being very rare. When a name of a street is replaced with other, the reason is either political or social and this replacement is not influenced by mode.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 4

Referințe în această publicație: 5

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