Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Cultural Imperialism

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity. Section: Language and Discourse, 1, p. 273-280
Editori:Iulian Boldea
Editura:Arhipelag XXI Press
Rezumat:This paper aims to discuss the importance of cultural imperialism seen as a debate between the imposed acculturation of a population and the embracing of a culture by individuals of their own volition. To what extent a foreign culture is no longer an improvement and becomes a menace to cultural identity? Cultural imperialism is felt in the cultural goods around the world and now the consumer replaces the citizen and all things are translated into commodities. Concepts, products, moral concepts, political views are proliferated by the more powerful civilization, one of the greatest example being the United States, which is usually associated with ideas such as freedom, democracy, human rights, but also McDonaldization, a concept that encompasses a number of aspects ranging from education to tourism.
Cuvinte-cheie:culture, commodity, identity, acculturation
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 1

0Liliana Florina AndronacheEnglish: the underlying tool of the globalizing phenomenonGIDNI, 4, 90-942017pdf

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