Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Utilizări aberante ale semnelor de punctuaţie şi ortografie în comunicarea pe internet

Publicația: Distorsionări în comunicarea lingvistică, literară și etnofolclorică românească și contextul european, Secțiunea Lingvistică, p. 249-258
Editori:Luminița Botoșineanu, Elena Dănilă, Cecilia Holban, Ofelia Ichim
Editura:Editura Alfa
Rezumat:[Excessive and Abusive Use of Punctuation and Orthographic Marks within the Internet Communication System]
Due to the latest technological progress the internet communication has come to constitute a very wide means of interacting having as major attributes: low costs, concise phrasing, immediate feed-back in spite of wide distances, etc. The so-called ‚net generation’ is popularly assumed to be naturally media literate and to be necessarily reinventing conventional linguistic and communicative practices. Netspeak is a development of millennial significance. A new medium of linguistic communication does not arrive very often, in the history of a race, but this form of communication seems to be such a new pattern in the attempt to re-evaluate each and every traditional means of communication between human beings. With this in mind, our paper aims at giving a description of this recently emerged type of communication. In fact, our interest goes here towards one particular aspect that is the excessive and abusive use of punctuation and orthographic marks within the internet communication system. Therefore, the tendency of the contemporary society towards modifying the traditional communicating patterns has to be seen as a realia and to be treated consequently.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 2

32David CrystalLanguage and the InternetCambridge University Press2001; 2006
193Rodica ZafiuDiversitate stilistică în româna actualăEditura Universităţii2001html

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