Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Quelques expériences bilingues dans le système universitaire roumain après 1989

Publicația: Flores philologiae – omagiu profesorului Eugen Munteanu, la împlinirea vârstei de 60 de ani, Secțiunea Studii, p. 360-368
Editori:Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Ioana Repciuc, Florin Faifer
Editura:Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:In this article, we aim to think about the emergence and the evolution of some bilingual academic specialized fields within the following three Faculties : Orthodox Theology, History and Geography, created after 1989 in Romania at the University of Iasi. We will ask ourselves about the reasons for their creation (cultural, professional, economic or other) and about the reasons for their almost total disappearance. We will analyze their contribution to the educational level and on the labour market. We will also examine the representations about the advantages of bilingualism of the different players involved in the choice and in the functioning of university specialized fields and about the advantages of bilingual education at this level.
Cuvinte-cheie:bilingual education; university; representations; innovation; Romanian Francophony
Limba: franceză

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