Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Un obicei insularizat – chiraleisa

Publicația: Magistri et alumni, amore scribendi. Studia. In Honorem Professoris Nicolae Felecan, Secțiunea Miscellanea, p. 774-781
Editori:Oliviu Felecan, Daiana Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:[Chiraleisa – A locally celebrated custom]
Romanian folklore claims supremacy over a winter tradition which has a twofold significance. First, it is a religious ritual linked to the celebration of Holy Baptism and, secondly, it is a ceremony developed around a distinct text, closely related to the Sorcova. However, in both situations it bears the name of Chiraleisa, which in liturgical terms is equivalent to a litany.
It was first mentioned by Dimitrie Cantemir, among the metons, together with the Fates (Ursitele), Witchcrafts (Farmece), the Winged Man (Zburătorul) and the Pentecost (Rusaliile). The Greek etymology of this lexeme and the hibernal scenario have been described in Descriptio Moldaviae (1716).
This paper deals with the origin of the term Chiraleisa and the academic and scientific findings of philology students of the University of Bacău, who investigated this topic in 2000–2015 to note the presence or absence of this custom in Moldova, as well as throughout the country. At the same time, a proposal to revitalize the religious ritual is launched. The annexes include an interview with Vasile Tărâțeanu from Cernăuți, Member of the Romanian Academy, and two texts from Baia Sprie (Maramureș) and the Moldovan Republic, respectively.
Cuvinte-cheie:Chiraleisa, Holy Baptism, litany, metons
Limba: română

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