Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Decalogul discipolului recent, precedat de Cele două îndatoriri mai mari și urmat de Cuvântul dascălului

Publicația: Magistri et alumni, amore scribendi. Studia. In Honorem Professoris Nicolae Felecan, Secțiunea Prolog, p. 72-75
Editori:Oliviu Felecan, Daiana Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:[The Decalogue of the Modern Disciple, preceded by The Two Most Important Duties and followed by the Teacher’s Word]
This laic text is built on the principle of polyphony and reiterates, on the level of expression (euphony) and content (the lexical fields from which the words were selected), the pattern of certain religious texts: the Ten Commandments, David’s Psalms and the Song of Songs. The structure is binary: the first part projects the monologue of an exemplary present-day disciple, who is aware of the disappearance of individuals’ (and one’s own) concern to be in tune with the precepts of Christian ethics. The second part consists of a reply provided by the teacher, whose defensive attitude promotes understanding, forgiveness and love.
Cuvinte-cheie:disciple, teacher, decalogue
Limba: română

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