Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

A fashionable lexico-semantic subcategory: coffee, with its past and present “hypostases”

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity. Section: Language and Discourse, 1, p. 180-184
Editori:Iulian Boldea
Editura:Arhipelag XXI Press
Rezumat:The linguistic and cultural research into the history of coffee (considered, for a while, both drink and food), is controversial, even suspicious, but at the same time it is interesting and worth analyzing in detail. This study represents only a (primary) lexico-semantic subcategory which is part of an expanding series (of fields) dealt with in a larger work. The terms within the lexico-semantic field of coffee have been gradually transferred from an ultraspecialized field to the common language. In a multicultural era, the history of coffee and cafés (including cybercafés), of drink and food, in general, involves, besides tolerance to others, socializing, communication and, impliedly, a joyful, colloquial language. Along with them, the demands of coffee drinkers are more and more complex and determine the preparation of some coffee-based beverages, with various ingredients and spices, meant to satisfy their taste and wishes.
Cuvinte-cheie:culture, lexico-semantic field, term, coffee, drink
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 1

42Angela Bidu-VrănceanuCâmpuri lexicale din limba română
Probleme teoretice şi aplicaţii practice
Editura Universității din București2008

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