Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Particularităţi, strategii, elemente componente ale limbajului cerşetorilor

Publicația: Perspective comparative și diacronice asupra limbii române, Secțiunea Pragmatică și stilistică, p. 155
Editori:Mihaela Viorica Constantinescu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Gabriela Stoica, Rodica Zafiu
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:[Particularities, strategies, and components of beggars’ speech]
This paper presented some characteristics and strategies of beggars' language. We started with Jakobson's communication scheme and analyzed each of its elements in order to reveal their particularities and the relations between them. The beggars' purpose is to get money without work. In consequence they try to impress people and make them merciful and helpful. Beggars behave like actors who perform a role (a sick person, an orphan, a poor old woman/man, etc.). They also use other specific items (glasses, wheeling chairs, poor clothes and shoes, etc.) and suitable gesture, mime, voice particularities. The dialogue is very important so beggars use some verbal strategies (religion, Christian values, extracts by from the Bible, kindness, negotiation, key-words, etc.). Begging texts are sometimes syncretic because they contain statements (or even classical poems) and sad songs, Christmas carols and customs. Their performance is inspired by TV shows and are similar with kitsch items. Beggars' statements contain nouns like person, soul, God, Virgin Mary, Saints, a poor man (child, woman, family), the adjectives good, bad, faithful, the verbs eat, be hungry, take, buy, give, help and the pronouns what and how much are very common. Conditional and direct object sentences appear frequently.
Limba: română

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2Tatiana Slama-CazacuElementele comunicării, niveluri ale codului, și limbajul – limba – vorbireaSCL, XX (6), 6051969
16Tatiana Slama-CazacuIntroducere în psiholingvisticăEditura Științifică1968

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