Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Românesc – european – universal în onomastica creștină

Publicația: Studii de filologie in honorem Ștefan Găitănaru, p. 77
Editori:Liliana Soare, Adrian Sămărescu, Adina Dumitru
Editura:Editura Universității din Pitești
Rezumat:The current study briefly describes the evolution of several terms from the sphere of onomastics (with applications to several traditional anthroponyms that are often encountered: Ioan and Anna). In the medieval as well as the modern eras, the path from hieronymy towards anhtroponymy – and at the same time towards toponymy, hidronimy and oronimy – was determined by the very same extralinguistic causes that generated their precedent evolution. From ancient times (i.e. illo tempore) to the historical era, common names (i.e. names that denominated objects and natural phenomena) have gradually turned into theonyms (names of gods), daemononyms (names of demons) and other kinds of such names. The two major ancient stages of evolution can be traced back and examined with the help of mythological linguistics. However, one can find numerous similarities in the current phenomena regarding the circulation of words and language contact in general. The latter belong to the field of sociolinguistics.
Cuvinte-cheie:onomastics, common names, theonyms, anthroponyms
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 5

8Petre Gheorghe BârleaAna cea bună
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17Petre Gheorghe Bârlea, Roxana-Magdalena BârleaLexicul românesc de origine francezăBibliotheca2000
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136Alexandru GraurNume de persoaneEditura Științifică1965
2Al. Cristureanu, Aurelia StanPrenumele locuitorilor din satul Purcăreți, raionul Sebeș, în 1957CL, V (1-2), 1031960

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