Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Nume de manifestări ritual-magico-simbolice între convenţional și neconvenţional

Publicația: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a III-a: Conventional / unconventional in onomastics, p. 806
Editori:Oliviu Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:[Names of ritual-magical-symbolical manifestations between the conventional and unconventional]
In accordance with the specific features of the field studied and with the objectives pursued and correlating classical methods with modern ones, this paper aims to highlight the impact that certain names of ritual-magical-symbolical manifestations (customs and celebrations) have on people in traditional communities and in the modern, contemporary society. The binary construction conventional – unconventional is analyzed through the following antinomical pairs: official – unofficial, usual – unusual, autochthonous – non-autochthonous, sacred – profane and Christian – pre-Christian. The names of celebrations and customs in the People’s Calendar − Baba Dochia; Blagoveștenie or Ziua Cucului (‘cuckoo’s day’); Sânzienele or Drăgaica etc. –, with or without correspondents in the Christian Calendar (Evdochia, the Annunciation, Nativity of St John the Baptist etc.), emphasize the similarities, differences, contaminations and functional mutations that are established between the terms. The regional names attest the lax border between the sacred and the profane, the pre-Christian or Christian origin of the celebrations and customs, but also contribute to their dissemination. The isotopy, the semantic relations of antinomy and synonymy, the eponymy, the synchronic and diachronic analysis allow for the gliding from ethnology towards linguistics and impose the drawing of a line of demarcation between unity and diversity and between the conventional and unconventional, respectively. By becoming a point of conjunction between the conventional and unconventional, the names of the ritual-magical-symbolical manifestations in the People’s Calendar and the Christian Calendar amplify the role and importance of the customs and celebrations inherited, for ages, from the ancestors.
Cuvinte-cheie:name, celebration, custom, conventional, unconventional
Limba: română

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1Delia-Anamaria RăchișanPlante de leac între sacru și profanICONN 4, 9892017pdf

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