Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Dificultăţi în însuşirea limbii române de către vorbitorii nenativi de limba română (maghiari) – în special în ceea ce priveşte identificarea şi utilizarea corectă a cazurilor

Publicația: Limbă, identitate, multilingvism şi politici educaţionale, p. 127
Editori:Horváth István, Tódor Erika Mária
Editura:Editura Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale
Rezumat:[Difficulties of Hungarian Speakers in Romanian Language Acquisition – Problems Raised by the Identification and Use of Case] In the pedagogy of teaching and learning a foreign language it is unanimously accepted the necessity of studying, on contrastive bases, the concordances and differences between language A (the mother tongue) and language B (the second one), in our case that of Hungarian and Romanian, languages from different families, fact that represents the source of many of the difficulties Hungarians meet while learning Romanian.
The category of case is one of the linguistic phenomena that raise problems in Romanian language acquisition by Hungarians. The permanent switch of the language code from the language of thinking (mother tongue, Hungarian) to that of the communication (the second one, Romanian) is often difficult and complicated.
After a brief presentation of the differences between the two languages in terms of case structure –the purpose of which being to offer possible criteria for the understanding and the evaluation of mistakes made by Hungarians speakers – the study will continue with the difficulties of Hungarian speakers raised by the identification and use of case in Romanian. These are followed by a typology of mistakes made by Hungarian children, also including some observations referring to the source of them as well as an attempt to provide possible solutions that may provide the elimination of those mistakes.
Although the observations included here are mostly of linguistic nature, the study intends to serve as a support to the debates regarding the statute of majority’s language in the context of the mother tongue.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

129Gabriela Pană DindeleganElemente de gramatică
Dificultăţi, controverse, noi interpretări
Humanitas Educaţional2003

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