Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Relația limbaj-gândire în numele festivalurilor din România

Publicația: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a II-a: Onomastica din spațiul public actual, p. 1022
Editori:Oliviu Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:[Language–cognition relationship in names of festivals from Romania]
This article aims at portraying the symbolic value of lexical items underlying names of festivals from Romania (days of celebration of various cities; beer, folklore, and music festivals etc.). In this context, designations are chosen based on how easily they can be memorised (especially as regards annual festivals), and on how they stimulate audience’s imagination and creativity. If names are seen as discourse markers that trigger the primordial function of language (i.e. communication), then the sender-receiver relationship refers to the connection between organiser (usually the name giver) and consumer, whereby the former tries to satisfy the latter’s expectations, to persuade him/her, starting with the name level. The semantic aspects of designations (seen as individual linguistic instances) are reinforced by non-verbal means of communication (colours, graphics, designs, images) that help imprint a message on clients’ minds, thus stimulating their intellect, reasoning and speculation. The potential customers’ reception of the message encoded in a name depends on their understanding the denotation of the notion included in that name, and their selection, from a wide range of connotations, of the meaning closest to their experience and expectations. Therefore, one must pay attention to the linguistic context, by identifying the target-audience and the objectives behind the choice of names, in view of highlighting the symbolic value of the lexical items and language used in the names (Romanian, English, French etc.). Names are analysed lexically (emphasising the relationship between signified and signifier, dominant lexical fields, denotation/connotation), and as regards the language-thought and context-message relationships that illustrate the psychological mechanisms underlying cognition both for the sender (relating to the values that a name is based on) and the receiver (the name’s effect on the interlocutor). Graphic sign, notion, and image define a symbolic language that is intensely exploited by mass media in consumer society.
Cuvinte-cheie:names of festivals, linguistic context, graphic sign, language
Limba: română

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