Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Dinamica numelor de botez reflectată în antroponimia municipiului Baia Mare

Publicația: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția I: Interferențe multietnice în antroponimie, p. 49
Editori:Oliviu Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega
Rezumat:[The dynamic of baptismal names in the anthroponymy of Baia Mare]
Based on the civil register found at the Baia Mare city hall, the present study aims at underlining certain aspects related to the dynamic and attribution of baptismal names. The time span considered comprises first names recorded during a twenty-one-year period, namely between 1987 and 2007; on the social level, this corresponds to the final years of the totalitarian regime, whose restrictions were not only of a economic and political nature, but also of a cultural and spiritual one, and the first seventeen years of a new age of openness (from every point of view) towards the civilised world. The data recorded are interesting, as they reveal, on the one hand, the internal tendencies that are specific to Romanian anthroponymy, going beyond external limitations and constraints, and, on the other, outbursts of energy that are difficult to keep within a normal context, which is subjected to rules that govern the science of onomastics.
An observation that can be made is that the inventory of names recorded between 1987 and 1990 is extremely vast. Besides very old strata, which are well-represented, it comprises new anthroponyms, which tally with the way of thinking and the level of education of every person involved in the act of naming.
The following years preserve the status quo and the same categories, to which other names (sometimes novel or rare ones) are added.
Cuvinte-cheie:anthroponyms, Baia Mare, baptismal names
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 3

Referințe în această publicație: 3

19Oliviu FelecanLimba română în context europeanEditura Mega2009
55Domnița TomescuGramatica numelor proprii în limba românăAll1998
13Iorgu IordanInfluența modei asupra numelor de persoaneLR, XXVIII (1), 411979

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