Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The development of syllable structure in cape verdean creole

Publicația: Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, X (1)
Editura:Universitatea din București
Rezumat:The paper examines syllable restructuring in the Santiago variety of Cape Verdean Creole. It is shown that currently attested forms reflect to some extent the syllable structure in earlier stages of the language. Several strategies for syllable restructuring are identified and illustrated. These repair strategies are shown to operate in Mandinka and Wolof, the two main substrate languages of Cape Verdean Creole, as well as in Guinea-Bissau Creole, a closely related Portuguese-lexified creole. A tentative relative chronology of the stages conducive to the present syllable structure of Cape Verdean Creole is outlined. Also discussed are some of the theoretical implications of the findings.
Cuvinte-cheie:Cape Verdean Creole, syllable structure, syllable restructuring, aphesis, epenthesis, deletion

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