Titlu: | Limba română în Norvegia – lectoratul din Trondheim |
Autor: | Lucian Vasile Bâgiu |
Publicația: | Philologica Jassyensia, VI (1), p. 255-276 |
p-ISSN: | 1841-5377 |
e-ISSN: | 2247-8353 |
Editura: | Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide” |
Locul: | Iaşi |
Anul: | 2010 |
Rezumat: | The Romanian language lectureship in Trondheim was established on 5th June 2008. This is the date when an agreement was signed between The Institute of the Romanian Language, represented by its director, Mrs. Ionela Dabija, and Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU) [Norwegian University of Science and Technology], represented by professor Arne Halvorsen, the head of Institutt for moderne fremmedspråk [Department of Modern Foreign Languages]. The event took place at the Romanian Embassy in Oslo, thanks to the hospitality of His Excellency Cristian Istrate, the Ambassador of Romania in Norway. At university level, the interest shown by the Norwegians is, to a large extent, due to the intellectual enthusiasm of the professor Arne Halvorsen. He has a very good knowledge of Romanian language, literature and culture as he is the author of the first Romanian-Norwegian dictionary. The book comprises 25,000 words and was reprinted by Polirom Publishing House in 2008. Institutt for moderne fremmedspråk provides the Romanian lectureship an office equipped with a computer connected to internet, intranet and printing machine, telephone with interior and exterior connection, laptop and instruction in Norwegian language. An essential role is played by the Romanian diplomacy in the Norwegian kingdom as well. The Honorary Consul of Romania in Trondheim, Mr. Terje Roll Danielsen, an eminent Norwegian businessman secures accommodation to the Romanian lecturer for the whole period of the mandate. It consists of a completely equipped downtown apartment, expenses all paid. Thanks to the interest of Mr. Terje Roll Danielsen the Romanian lectureship in Trondheim has a Norwegian colleague. Mrs. Svanhild Naterstad is a journalist acquainted to Romanian language. She was hired to write a volume concerned with Romania, in Norwegian. Institutt for moderne fremmedspråk has a long tradition of studying English, French and German up to doctoral level. Moreover, there are European studies as BA degree, a one year course in Spanish language and modules in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Russian. As a novelty the optional course in Romanian language made its debut in January 2009, for “the spring semester”. The course is intended for students from all specializations. It is divided into Romanian 1 and Romanian 2, each of them holding 7,5 credits. They include oral examination and short dictation as a means of assessment during the semester and final four hours written exams. For the “pioneer semester” the Norwegian students have proved a great interest. Students from a variety of BA degree specializations have chosen to study this new language. Linguistics is the specialization that provided the most students, but also European literature, political studies, media, infrastructure environment, technology. Here are the names of the first ever students to have studied Romanian language in the Norwegian academic system: Sandra Maria Akseth Winther, Charlotte Andersen Dammen, Fredrik Wilhelm Borelly, Maike Gaertner, Jonas Hinrichsen Gjervold, Monika Grammeltvedt, Ingrid Hegvik, Karoline Hovstad, Andreas T. Slørdahl, Jon Harald Søby, Elias Aamot. For Romanian language 2 the major percentage of the linguistics students maintained, but also European literature and media. Here are the names of the Norwegian students who chose to deepen the study of the Romanian language and passed the exam on May, 7th, 2009: Sandra Maria Akseth Winther, Fredrik Wilhelm Borelly, Jonas Hinrichsen Gjervold, Monika Grammeltvedt, Ingrid Hegvik, Guri Kaarbø Vårheim, Jon Harald Søby. Mention should be made of the fact that student Sandra Maria Akseth Winther applied for a placement with the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca and was accepted for the whole academic year 2009/2010. This is through LLP programme: Higher Education (Erasmus) area subject Languages and Philological Sciences and it is based on the previous agreement Institutt for moderne fremmedspråk of NTNU signed with the Philology Faculty of the Romanian University. |
Cuvinte-cheie: | Trondheim lectureship, Norwegian students, Romanian language, written exam, grammatical errors |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
Citări la această publicație: 2
0 | Lucian Vasile Bâgiu | Limba română la NTNU în anul universitar 2010-2016 | RST, I, 96-106 | 2017 | pdf html |
0 | Lucian Vasile Bâgiu | Limba română la Universitatea Carolină din Praga | Phil. Jass., IX (2), 279-290 | 2013 | pdf html |
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