Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Locul limbii literare în doctrina lui Alexandru Philippide

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, V (1), p. 17-25
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:A. Philippide deals with the question of standard languages theoretically, but also on the basis of the reality in which he was deeply involved: the regulation of the Romanian language. He used the expression common language (from the German Gemeinsprache), to which he later added the syntagms cultivated language and literary language to express some other nuances. The great linguist described how the human mind acts in the relation language-speaking, through the conscience and will-power of well-known writers of each period, of the linguists, of the nation and its connections with the capital, to create the standard language. Some of his ideas were continued by some of his disciples. His entire conception was thoroughly and objectively analysed by G. Ivănescu, who had the strength to create a synthesis between his mentor’s conception and the ideas of the idealist school, building his own theory, based on the dichotomy linguistics of standard languages – linguistics of dialects.
Cuvinte-cheie:linguistic consciousness, linguistic will-power, language, speaking, standard language
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 6

22Carmen-Gabriela PamfilAlexandru PhilippideLitera Internațional2008
228Gheorghe IvănescuIstoria limbii româneEditura Junimea1980; 2000
92Gheorghe IvănescuProblemele capitale ale vechii române literare
(Publicat în BIFR, vol. XI-XII, 1944-1945, p. 1-413)
Tipografia Alexandru A. Țerek; Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”1947; 2012html
3Iorgu IordanProgramul nostruBIFR, I, 31934pdf
102Alexandru PhilippidePrincipii de istoria limbiiTipografia Națională; Editura Academiei1894; 1984
19Alexandru PhilippideIntroducere în istoria limbei și literaturei romîneEditura Librăriei Frații Șaraga1888html

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