Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

De la Relevanzfigur şi Negation la deconstrucţie tolerată. Modelul Karlheinz Stierle

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, IV (1), p. 97-110
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:This study is based upon the observation that the references to The Constance School in the Romanian scholarly writings are very peculiar: they treat the Reception Aesthetics as an homogeneous entity. One of the major representatives of reception theory is Karlheinz Stierle, well-known for his prominent studies (Der Gebrauch der negation in Fiktionalen Texten, for example) included in Text als Handlung. Perspektiven einer systematischen Literaturwissenschaft, 1975. His case is illustrative for our approach: there are numerous distinctive, contradictory theses regarding the functions of the literary text, the process of reading, the process and the structure of the relationship between reader and text. The fictional text is a special form of interactive communication, being characterized by a strong structure called Relevanzfigur: the dominant figure of the text, a manifestation of thematic dynamics developed along the gradual movement of the succesive inner contexts of the literary text. Through this Relevanzfigur, the literary text offers to the reader an experience, not a Mundane experience, but an Aesthetic experience. Along with an eloquent concept of responsibility towards the interpretation of the literary text, the pattern derived from Karlheinz Stierle’s theory has influenced several theories of reading, including Iser’s second edition of The Act of Reading, showing nothing but a dialectical evolution of Hermeneutics proposed by The Constance School.
Limba: română

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