Titlu: | Structura discursului religios din cadrul cultului creștin ortodox |
Autor: | Maria-Mihaela Dărescu |
Publicația: | Text şi discurs religios, II, Secțiunea Retorica discursului religios, p. 323-328 |
p-ISSN: | 2066-4818 |
e-ISSN: | 2393-3402 |
Editura: | Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” |
Locul: | Iași |
Anul: | 2010 |
Rezumat: | The discourse has a structure different from other types of discourses. It comprises a series of elements that are not present in other discourses (i.e. the sign of the holy cross, saying a prayer, the existence of a particular way of addressing, a.s.o.). These specific elements contribute to the success of the discourse, leads to establishing a better contact between the deliverer and the receiver and facilitates putting into practice of the religious teachings delivered to the receivers. In our work, we shall present the structure of the religious discourse present only within the Christian Orthodox cult. |
Limba: | română |
Linkuri: | pdf html |
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