Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Expresivitatea limbajului laic cu referire la termenii din domeniul religios

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, II, Secțiunea Retorica discursului religios, p. 313-322
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:Most of the times, we see that in everyday language, we use phrases and locutions spontaneously, which give a certain beauty of the communication. Since the origin of the Romanian people is closely related to Christianity, the religious terminology inevitably has an important place among the speakers. The most frequently used expressions are those in which occur the words angel, devil, God, priest, cross, God, church, holy, Easter, and not only.For example, to use „here is the priest here is not” means to always change your decision. Also, „to ring the bells for someone” means to court a woman or „to stand as a gypsy charity” is to stand for nothing, „to fall somewhere the snuff of the lamp” means to stay too long in one place, „to get where the devil broke his veldschoon” means to go far, „to lose someone’s paschals” means to miscalculate, etc. In all these expressions appear terms used in the church. Noticing the multitude of expressions, we can explain, more or less, their appearance and how were formed.
Limba: română

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