Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Diminutivele în scrierile lui Spiridon Vangheli

Publicația: Philologia, LV (5-6), p. 63-74
Editura:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Rezumat:Typological research on diminutives, of their semantics and pragmatics has linked them with a primary semantic category – that of a „child”. Spiridon Vangheli, recognized as a famous author of children’s books, widely used surnames derived with diminutive suffixes which make up most of names used in his work. Another is the situation regarding the use of appellatives derived with diminutive suffixes. In his writings they are rarer than diminutive names; in some episodes they are totally missing. In our opinion, the author, brought up in rural austere environment, has a „genetic” perception on the use of diminutives. The charm of his writings, his fine humor and warmth carries a special way of expressing emotional nuance, all these compensating an unexpectedly little use of diminutives in his writings. The valences of diminutives are also exploited contextually, through expressiveness of words from the Romanian language orality fund.
Cuvinte-cheie:diminutive, diminutive suffix, diminutive first names, semantics, smallness, affection, repetition
Limba: română

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7Rodica ZafiuEvaluarea diminutivelorBrâncuș, 2912010

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