Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Epitetul cromatic adjectival

Publicația: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, 8 (1), p. 241-248
Editura:Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”
Locul:Alba Iulia
Rezumat:[The Adjectival-Chromatic Epithet]
The epithet is the most important stylistic figure of the adjective. This term means “aesthetic” or “poetic” attribute. The adjectival-chromatic semantics is broad and varied in the Romanian literature. All colors have infinite expressive potentialities. There is a personal aesthetic code of a certain literary period or a writer. In fiction, the association between the object and the color is unique. The text poetic is thus transformed into an instrument of pictoriality.
Cuvinte-cheie:epithet; chromatic; adjective; poetical
Limba: română

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