Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

La relation entre les adverbes et les vocabulaires fondamental et représentatif de la langue roumaine

Publicația: Diversité et identité culturelle en Europe, XI (1), p. 95
Editura:Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române
Rezumat:[The Relationship between Adverbs and the Representative and fundamental Romanian Language Vocabulary.] In his study, the author intends to present the position occupied by adverbs, within the Romanian fundamental and representative vocabulary framework, as parts of speech that offer, at the utterance level, important information that makes reference, among others, to time, place and space.
As often observed, adverbs not only facilitate communication, but also carry a deictic function. To a great extent, this approach is synchronic and uses data offered by two research papers that present a statistical analysis (Al. Graur, 1954 and M. Sala, 1988) of the current Romanian language vocabulary, based on well-determined criteria.
Cuvinte-cheie:Adverb, vocabulary, current Romanian language, frequency, use, synchrony, utterance
Limba: franceză

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