Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The Polysemy of Jurisdictional Terms

Publicația: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, V (1-2), p. 193
Editura:Editura Sitech
  • Polysemantics is generally considered a source of ambiguity and, in terminology, it operates as a restrictive conditioning. The appearance of polysemantics is yet favoured by the strictness of norms and by the effort of avoiding equivocal contexts. The study of various terminologies there by attests the existence of both an internal polysemantics and of an external one.
    In the field of the jurisdiction’s vocabulary polysemantics is an unavoidable phenomenon, since the concepts employed by the process of jurisdiction are in a much larger number than the terms which are used to designate them. The existing lack of equilibrium between the jurisdiction’s categories and their expressive linguistic supports is increasing, due to the relatively poor ratio of terms’ production through neological creation in the domain of law. Interpreting norms are not usually recommended in juridical technique, and their appearance is currently avoided through an adequate choice of the terms employed in the jurisdiction texts. The unitary terminology of the jurisdiction text is, therefore, realized through an adequate use made of terms and phrases, sustained as well by the respect vowed to the norms of grammar and orthograph. Consequently, the jurisdiction’s jargon is endowed with precision and limpidity.
  • La polysémie considérée en général un facteur d’ambigüité représente une condition restrictive du point de vue terminologique. Les normes strictes et le détour du contexte équivoque contribuent à l’apparition de la polysémie. D’ailleurs, l’étude de diverses terminologies prouve le fait qu’il y a aussi une polysémie interne aussi bien qu’une polysémie externe.
    La polysémie est un phénomène irréductible dans le champ du vocabulaire juridictionnel, car les notions juridictionnelles sont beaucoup plus nombreuses que les termes qu’elles désignent. La disproportion entre les supports linguistiques et les catégories juridictionnelles va s’accentuer à cause de la production relativement restreinte de la création néologique dans le domaine du droit.
    Par le choix approprié des termes utilisés dans les textes juridictionnels, on évite l’apparition des normes d’interprétation, qui ne sont pas recommandées par la technique judiciaire. La clarté et la précision du langage juridictionnel s’ensuivent de l’utilisation adéquate des termes et expressions, de même que du respect des normes grammaticales et orthographiques, en réalisant de cette manière l’unité terminologique du texte juridictionnel.
  • context, sense, jurisdiction terms, general vocabulary, polysemy
  • contexte, sens, termes juridictionnels, vocabulaire général, polysémie
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 2

127Angela Bidu-VrănceanuLexicul specializat în mişcare
De la dicţionare la texte
Editura Universității din București2007
273Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu, Cristina Călărașu, Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela Mancaș, Gabriela Pană DindeleganDicționar de științe ale limbiiEditura Nemira2001; 2005

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