Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The Story of Toponyms. Where and How Did Our Ancestors Live

Publicația: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, V (1-2), p. 35
Editura:Editura Sitech
  • The article deals with some aspects connected to the terminology designating various types of dwelling places: from the attestation of toponyms and their geographical spreading to their semantics and its course of evolution. Toponymy motivates the terms semantically; in presenting them, both ethnographic and lexicographic information is taken into consideration, the synonyms of the commented terms being also included.
  • L’article traite quelques aspects liés à la terminologie des abris humains: de l’attestation des termes toponymiques, la répartition géographique jusqu’à la sémantique et au mode de son évolution. La toponymie offre une motivation à la sémantique des termes. Dans leur présentation, sont valorisées non seulement les informations ethnographiques, mais aussi lexicographiques, y compris les synonymes des termes commentés.
  • toponym, dwelling place, meaning, synonym, oldness
  • toponyme, logement, sens, synonyme, ancienneté
Limba: engleză

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