Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Place-Names Illustrating Social and Legal Customs

Publicația: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, I (1-2), p. 201
Editura:Editura Sitech
Rezumat:The paper refers to that category of English place names which illustrate customs specific to different social classes and to legal practice in England. In most cases, these place names contain as first element a word from Old English or from Old Scandinavian. There are discussed place names which reflect the early society divisions: Kingston (OE king + tun), frequently encountered in many districts in a range of variants, Quainton (OE cwen + tun), Finglesham (OE fengel + ham), Aldermanbury (OE alderman), Charlton (OE churl), Childwall (OE cild). As far as legal practice is concerned, the author mentions names of the type: Damerham (OE domere), Tollerton (OE tollere), Shrewton (OE gerefa), etc. To a large extent, these names were mentioned in writing after the Norman Conquest in 1066.
Cuvinte-cheie:place names, society divisions, Old English, Scandinavian words, legal terms
Limba: engleză

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