Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Rhetorical Practice in Media, Influences and Political Strategies in the Architecture of Journalistic Discourse

Publicația: Analele Universității „Ovidius” din Constanța. Seria Filologie, XXIV (2), p. 138-149
Editura:Ovidius University Press
Rezumat:The journalistic discourse is a rhetorical practice in which we observe elements of classic rhetoric, according to the thinking of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, as well as modern elements of the 19th and 20th century, according to the thinking of the new language philosophers: Jacques Moeschler, Anne Reboul, M. Meyer, M. Foulcault, Umberto Eco, A. Jaworski and N. Coupland, etc. In the journalistic discourse, we assist to a rhetorical construction1 by means of language, due to the descriptive technique. The resort to ration is focused upon the mass-media product2 and upon the atmosphere technique: the resort to emotion, pathos, the construction of political symbolics in order to obtain non-rationed reactions. The journalistic rhetoric dominates the reader by conveying emotions as well as arguments across several types of discourse, sometimes even opposed in colloquial, informative terms – official, pamphleteer (of opinion, with the related stylistic procedures: irony, sarcasm).Our theoretical demonstration is accompanied by applications in Constanta’s local media, through examples from publications on different political perspectives: Cuget Liber, Ziua de Constanţa, Independentul and Telegraf.
1Political rhetoric, through the power of assurance, excitement and training.
2The political character is a mass-media product.
Cuvinte-cheie:journalistic discourse, rhetoric, pathos, logos, ethos, technical and extra-technical arguments
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 4

6Petre Gheorghe BârleaPeithous Demiourgos
Știința și arta convingerii în antichitatea greco-latină
Editura „Bibliotheca”2004
193Rodica ZafiuDiversitate stilistică în româna actualăEditura Universităţii2001html
92Liliana Ionescu-RuxăndoiuConversaţia: structuri şi strategii
Sugestii pentru o pragmatică a românei vorbite
All1995; 1999
42Marcus Fabius QuintilianArta oratorică
Vol. I-III

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