The purpose of this article is to present a new aspect of the relation between Gaston Paris and his student Ovid Densusianu (EPHE of 1893 to 1896). Our work was focused on an episode less known by the philologists and the novelists: their professor-student relationship and its impact on an edition of old French text, La Prise de Cordre et de Sebille. Our intention is to make this critical edition alive once more. These documents are a living testimony of their relation and the origin of a critical edition which remains unique till today. It is an occasion to see the contribution of Ovid Densusianu to the history of Romance and French philology. It is also an opportunity of seeing in real time, the influence of Gaston Paris, not by her work, but by her relation with her Rumanian pupils.
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Revista „Diacronia” ISSN: 2393-1140 Frecvență: 2 numere / an