Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Pentru un dicţionar de antonime şi corelative

Publicația: Analele Universităţii „Dunărea de Jos” din Galați. Fascicula XXIV. Lexic comun / lexic specializat, II, p. 37-42
Editura:Editura Europlus
Rezumat:The present paper tackles on a project to elaborate a bilingual (Romanian – English) dictionary of antonyms and correlatives, to be issued under the aegis of the Institute of Romanian Language as a European Language in Cluj-Napoca. Such a dictionary has been approached as one of the main working tools within the process of teaching / learning antonymy in Romanian. Conceived from the perspective of a non-native user of Romanian, the dictionary will operate a basic list of entries, established on Vocabularul minimal al limbii române (Basic Vocabulary of Romanian, coordinated by Maria Iliescu, 1994, 2001), emphasizing the polysemy of these entries, by: a) the lexicographic definition of the meanings, b) the relations of synonymy and antonymy seen in indeterminacy, and c) providing the English translation of the definitions, entries and their antonyms. The selection of the antonymic categories included in the dictionary will follow preset criteria, thus aiming to catch the most interesting aspects of this complex phenomenon.
Limba: română

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