Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

On the So-Called Complex Prepositions in Kriol IAN HANCOCK, The Portuguese Creoles of Malacca

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LIV (3-4), p. 279-294
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:This essay has a three-fold purpose. First, I try to show that, from an ecolinguistic perspective, prepositions in general are not “empty words” having no relation to the extra-linguistic world. This makes it necessary to briefly present the new discipline ecolinguistics. Second, I give additional arguments in favor of the thesis that the basic meaning of prepositions is spatial. Temporality and notion (or abstract relation) are reducible to it. The basic spatial positions are represented in what I call the Ecology of Spatial Relations. The third purpose is the most important, i.e., to defend the thesis that there are arguments to prove that the so-called “complex prepositions” are not complex prepositions, but constructions of the type “in + NOUN + of”.
Limba: engleză

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