Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Reflexivizarea verbelor psihologice în context romanic: ‘a (se) consterna’ în română, franceză şi spaniolă

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXVII (2), p. 257-269
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Reflexivisation of psychological verbs in the Romance domain: a (se) consterna “to bewilder” in Romanian, French and Spanish]
The process of pronominalization of some transitive verbs (especially in the modern stage of the neo-Latin idioms) may provide a potential illustrative example for the specific dynamics of this morphological class. Through this process, verbs, originally transitive, acquire syntactic behavior and the acting framework of the verbs (synonyms or not) belonging to the class ‘transitive and reflexive’. It is not excluded that, at least under some circumstances, the phenomenon of pronominalization might occur within a language thanks to the analogical pressure coming from a potential correspondent in other languages (Romanic or non-Romanic). However, this kind of explanation does not entirely eliminate the possibility of an internal solution: semantic proximity and/ or syntactic analogy could provide possible ways for internal development. In this context, the advantages of a comparative approach are more than evident, the phenomenon of pronominalization being capable of receiving, besides its internal explanation, external solutions, as well. In the study we propose, the pronominalization was (also) analyzed in a cognitive perspective: the focus, in the act of enunciation, on the experiencer-subject (a subject with agentive implications) generates a certain type of statements structured in an egocentric way, which supports the possibility to define the phenomenon of pronominalization as a discursive one.

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