Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

A Brief Analysis of the Political Discourse

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 22, Secțiunea Studii și articole, p. 109-112
Editura:Universitatea Petru Maior
Locul:Târgu Mureș
Rezumat:This article aims to focus on the main characteristics of a political speech from the point of view of the manner in which it is built, delivered and perceived by the protagonists to the communicative instance. It is important to underline that the article lacks and denies any intention to analyse any political message or political aspects. It is a mere intent to discover and investigate the manner and reasons behind the choice of words, from a linguistic and stylistic perspective.
Cuvinte-cheie:discourse analysis, political speech, text production
Limba: engleză

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