Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Tráenolos para comérnolos o la ‘transposición’ del clítico en español actual

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, XIII (1), Secțiunea Philologia Perennis, p. 121
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:[Tráenolos para comérnolos or the ‘Transposition’ of the Clitic in Modern Spanish]
This work aims at offering a first approach to the study of the metathesis or ‘transposition’ of the plural morpheme in enclitic clitic clusters – with the imperative, the infinitive and the gerund. This is a non-standard phenomenon that occurs in the colloquial register of Spanish. For the study of this ‘pluralization’ of the object when it is combined with another objective pronoun (nos, os), we use an innovative corpus, with data collected from the Internet and Twitter. The goals of this study are to offer a large documentation of this feature and to discover both its distribution in the Spanish-speaking world and the frequency with which it affects each pronoun (nos, os), each verb and each verbal form (imperative, gerund and infinitive). We also connect the phenomenon under study with a number of changes currently affecting the pronominal paradigm in Spanish.
Cuvinte-cheie:Clitics, Transposition, Metathesis, Variation, Modern Spanish
Limba: spaniolă

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