Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Two Types of Subject Inversion in Italian WH‑Questions

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LXII (3), p. 233-252
Information structure and the left periphery / La structure informationnelle et la périphérie gauche
Edited by Ion Giurgea
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:In this paper, we discuss the phenomenon of subject inversion in Italian wh-questions. Experimental evidence is provided for the distinction pointed out in Rizzi (2001) between direct questions introduced by perché ‘why’ and wh-questions introduced by other bare wh-phrases with respect to subject inversion. In particular, we show that why-questions display information-structure motivated subject inversion, while other wh-operators obligatorily require the subject to occur postverbally. Contrasting the respective focus structure, we then offer a semantic explanation of the two types of subject inversion: in why-questions a narrow focus is semantically motivated and, thus, possible, whereas in the other wh-questions the presence of a narrow focus would yield a clash in the calculation of question-answer congruence. We finally propose an implementation of this asymmetry in cartographic terms.
Cuvinte-cheie:subject inversion, wh-questions, wh-operators, why-questions, question-answer congruence, focus
Limba: engleză

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