Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Etude comparative des adjectifs similaire et semblable en français contemporain

Publicația: Studii de lingvistică, 3, p. 31-51
Identité, ressemblance, analogie: regards croisés
Editura:Facultatea de Litere din Oradea
Rezumat:This article proposes a comparative study of the French adjectives similaire and semblable which express a relationship of identity between two or more terms. I will show that beyond their partial synonymy, the two adjectives diverge on an essential point, namely on how they construct the relationship of identity. To this end, we will propose a semantic identity for each adjective in terms of Schematic Form (Forme schématique), defined as an operation reconstituting a complex relation between the abstract parameters involved. I will show that this Schematic Form can account for the various constructions and the distributional constraints associated with each unit.
Cuvinte-cheie:similaire, semblable, relationship of identity, semantic identity, schematic form
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 2

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