Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Observații despre argou și argoul școlarilor și al studenților

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXVII (1), p. 15-32
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Notes on Slang and Youth Slang]
The main features of the slang are discussed. Apart from being a cryptic type of language, the slang is a form of colloquial interchange which usually warps the maxims of communication to create some kind of emotional tension, often with the purpose to build up artificial hierarchy between communicants. This feature differentiates between slang and professional jargons, for example. Usually, the domain of slang stretches over those parts of communication that use irony, contempt, swearing, cursing. The article distinguishes between slang speakers type A (underworld and uneducated people) and slang speakers type B (average and highly educated persons with a propensity to use slang and colloquial words). While type A slang is highly cryptic and relatively uninteresting for the common speaker, type B slang puts to good use the capabilities of speech and pervades the literary language. Both types of slang reflect the inner subversiveness of language. The slang used by pupils and students is a jargon often mimicking the type A slang, the language of the underworld and uneducated. It is a form of experiencing the freedom outside the conventions of standard educated speech. The violence in the slang of the youth is often silenced with a mock muffle.

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