Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Repere descriptive şi antroponimice în toponimia din satul Tuta (judeţul Bacău). O aplicaţie

Publicația: Anuar de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară, LV, p. 81
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Descriptive and anthroponymic landmarks in place-names of the village Tuta (Bacău county). An illustration]
This paper tries to capture the main characteristics of the toponymy in Tuta village of Bacău. Some place names in the area point to aspects of land, attributes of water, flora, fauna, economic and social activities, habits and events in the history of the village. A large number of toponyms are formed based on anthroponyms of landowners or residents which were related to the designated socio-geographical object.
Although the village was founded in the early nineteenth century, we have identified toponyms older than that period, that remind of people, estates and realities now forgotten.
Local residents aged over 45 speak Hungarian and for most place names in the studied area they use a Hungarian equivalent, namely the translation of the Romanian toponym; the exception is Dioszeg “place with nuts”, which is the perfect synonym of the village name Tuta.
Cuvinte-cheie:Tuta village, place-names, diachronic depiction, descriptive toponyms, personal names
Limba: română

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