Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Câteva tehnici de constituire a discursului liric bacovian

Publicația: Analele Universității „Ovidius” din Constanța. Seria Filologie, XXVII (2), p. 81
In honorem Petre Gheorghe Bârlea. Omagiu domnului Profesor universitar doctor Petre Gheorghe Bârlea la 65 de ani
Număr coordonat de Mioara Codleanu și Florentina Nicolae
Editura:Ovidius University Press
Rezumat:The questioning premise of my study is the specificity of the poetic formula that, considering the simplicity of the the signifiers when compared to the density of the the signified, emphasizes, uniquely in Romanian literature, the simple beauty of a complex poetic system. The poetic reverie of George Bacovia initiates with an ontology in crisis, develops theological ways of understanding the relationship man–universe, in a poetic vision where deity is absent; the apotheosis is humbly lived. The poetic images preserve their meaning autonomously, but remain indifferent to the discourse order, while the perfection of the simplicity and the complexity of meaning qualify Bacovia as one of the greatest poets of the world.
Cuvinte-cheie:poetic techniques; complex poetic system; poetic dissonances; the poetic isotopies of the signifier; poetic cogito
Limba: română

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