Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Relative clauses from the input: syntactic considerations on a corpus-based analysis of Italian

Publicația: Studies in linguistics, 4, p. 4
Editura:Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Cognitivi sul Linguaggio
Rezumat:A well-known classical finding from both acquisition and processing is that (headed) Object Relative Clauses (ORs) are harder than (headed) Subject Relative Clauses (SRs) for children to acquire, and slower for adults to process (Adams 1990, Adani et al. 2010, Brown 1972, de Villiers et al. 1994, De Vincenzi 1991, Gordon et al. 2004, Tavakolian 1981, Warren & Gibson 2002, among many others). In this work, we aim at investigating which typologies of SRs and ORs are present in corpora of standard Italian and the way their frequency compares with some recent experimental findings from elicited production (Belletti 2009, Belletti & Contemori (2010), Contemori & Belletti (this volume)), and with the syntactic account that has been proposed in terms of a featural approach to locality (Friedmann et al. 2009). We also address the issue of the possible role of frequency in conditioning the linguistic performance in the domain of ORs and Passive Object Relatives (PORs).
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 4

1Martine Coene, Marie-Anne DuffelerComprehension of relative clauses by L2 learners of English: No asymmetry and puzzling prepositionsBWPL, XVI (2)2014pdf
2Adriana Belletti, Carla ContemoriSubjects in children’s object relatives in ItalianRRL, LVII (2), 117-1422012pdf
1Maria Teresa Guasti, Chiara Branchini, Fabrizio Arosio, Mirta VerniceA developmental study of subject and object relative clauses in ItalianRRL, LVII (2), 105-1162012pdf
1Carla Contemori, Adriana BellettiDisentangling the mastery of object relatives in children and adults. Evidence from ItalianSTiL, 4, 482010pdf

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