Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Dénomination et gastronomie : considérations sur les anthroponymes dans les noms de restaurants (NR) français

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference “Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity”. Section: Language and Discourse, 2, p. 168-175
Editura:“Petru Maior” University Press
Rezumat:Whether they consist in a communication strategy or they refer to real individuals, names of restaurants have a particular discursive status. As they are most often motivated, onomastic choices that contain anthroponyms mirror the personal preferences of name givers, who thereby create unpredictable associations for the eating establishments they own.
Starting from a considerable corpus, the present study aims at examining the latest naming trends in commerce and the consequences that the use of personal names in trade names has on customers, as well as the changes that it triggers within the onomastic class in question. Anthroponymic references are analysed in relation to names of French restaurants, coffee shops, and chain stores.
Cuvinte-cheie:anthroponyms, commercial names, identification, originality
Limba: franceză

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