Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Speech acts in newspaper headlines

Publicația: Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 5, p. 196-204
Editura:Arhipelag XXI Press
Rezumat:The article ʻSpeech acts in newspaper headlinesʼ is dedicated to the actional dimension of language. The approach of the journalistic title is focused the distinction made between performative and constative utterances and is based on the relation established between locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts.
The detailed analysis of speech acts identified in press titles published by the newspapers included in our corpus – Le Monde and Adevărul (institutional or institutionalised acts, non-institutional, universal acts), conducted in view of cognitive pragmatics, points out the essential role played by of the pragmatic dimension in the linguistic and semiotic analysis of a journalistic title.
The comparison made between the performativity of the two newspapers analysed in our article highlights the common aspects of the journalistic style, as well as its peculiar features.
Cuvinte-cheie:acts, headline, press, speech, utterance
Limba: română

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73John Austin
  • How to do Things with Words
  • Cum să faci lucruri cu vorbe
Clarendon Press; Paralela 451962; 2003, 2005 (trad.)

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